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Charlotte Valley

Central School

Board of Education

Board of Education

Rebecca Garrison (President)

Jeff Vroman (Vice President)

Joseph Ballard (Board Member)

Amanda Richter (Board Member)

Matt Moyse (Board Member)

Board Meeting Schedule

Mission Statement

The Charlotte Valley Central School Board of Education believes that every student who enters the building has a unique personality and character. It’s our responsibility to give every child the avenues to find their own success, to build their own character, and to blossom into the best version of themselves.

Board of Education Goals 2023

    Student Outcomes, Pathways, and Curriculum Development     
The Board of Education…        
1.     Will strive for, consider, and support new and innovative opportunities for college and career readiness of all students.
2.    Supports the continued curriculum alignment to latest standards supported by the New York State Education Department and will consider curriculum revision recommendations by district leadership.  

Stakeholder Communications
    The Board of Education…    
1.    Values the work and contributions of all employees and students.  Regular communication of this work is of significance to the Board.  
2.    Supports fostering community partnerships.
3.    Values students having the ability to participate in various activities without competing conflicts.

Board of Education Policy
    The Board of Education…    
1.     Believes in an up-to-date policy manual with regular reviews of new and adopted policies.  

Student and Staff Wellness
The Board of Education…    
1.    Encourages healthy choices and will promote the physical, mental, and emotional health of all students and staff.

District Audit Committee and Audited Financial Statements

    Audit Committee Members

Jennifer Gerster, Community Member

Karen Zuill, Community Member

Lynn Ontl, Community Member

Troy Rider, District Treasurer 

Rebecca Garrison, BOE President

Eric C. Whipple, Superintendent 


    Audited Financial Statements

2021-2022 Audit Report

2020-2021 Audit Report

Running for the School Board

Eligibility Requirements

Generally, school board candidates must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, qualified voters in the school district and able to read and write. They must be residents of their districts continuously for one year (as little as 30 days or as long as three years in some city school districts) before the election. They cannot be employed by the board on which they serve or live in the same household with a family member who is also a member of the same school board.

2023 Dates to Remember

April 17     Petition must be filed for central, union free and common school districts

May 16      Budget Vote & Election Day

June 20     Budget Revote

2023 Running for the School Board Brochure (PDF)

   -Above Information taken from the New York School Boards Association website