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Board of Education
Board Policies
Agenda BOE Mtg 240201
CASSC Winter School Board workshop
Jeanette Tax correction
Labartino Tax correction
Minutes 240104 - Draft
Student Activity Report
Track Merger
Agenda BOE Mtg 240104
Audit Response and Corrective Action Plan Extra Classroom
Hannaford Donation
Juul settlement check
MOA - Long Term Care Benefit
Monthly Cash Balances and Treasurer's report
Student Activity Report (15)
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Stmt-6190
Agenda BOE Mtg 231207
Audit response
Building use APp - Hartwick
Building Use app - youth Basketball
EPC contract
Marchuska Brothers contract
Minutes 231102 - Draft
Minutes 231116 - Draft
Revised June Treasurer's report
Agenda 231116
Agenda BOE Mtg 231102
102-Animals on School Property and Use of Assistance Animals
CASSC SBI November 28 Flier and Registration Form
Minutes 231005 - Draft
MOA CVTA - Substitute Teaching Duties for Bargaining Unit Members
NYSED Summer food service review
Outdoor Club Charter App
Student Activity Report
Agenda BOE Mtg 231005
100 - Data Privacy Policy
101 - Idling Buses Policy
102 - Animals on School Property and the Use of Assistance Animals
Board Docs
Bus Lease Agreement
CVTA MOA - quarter day 2324
July Reasurer's Report
Minutes 230907 - draft
Revised June Treasurer's Report
Senior Privileges 2023
Agenda BOE Mtg 230907
Dorsey, Danielle MOA
Gilboa Student agreement
Hunter student agreement
Jefferson student agreement 2
Jefferson student agreement
Klukkert, Lois MOA
Milford student agreement
Minutes 230823 - Draft
Mod Girls soccer merger
Roxbury student agreement
SK Student agreement 2
SK Student agreement
Stamford student agreement 2
Stamford student agreement
Student Activity Report (13)
Agenda 230823
Charlotte Valley - Board Resolution regarding social media litigation
FacHdbk 2324 Draft
Agenda 230803
Application for use of facilities
Athletic merger - football
Bassett agreement
DSS preventative svcs agreement
Minutes 230706 - Draft
Monthly Cash Balances and Treasurer's report
Policy manual proposal
Revised May treasurer's report
CASSC School Board Institute
Golf merger
May Student Activity Report
Minutes 230601 - Draft
Minutes 230622 - Draft
Plante, Jennifer MOA
Reorg Agenda 230706
Reg Agenda 230706
surplus textbooks
Superintendent contract amendment 2023
Agenda 230622
Agenda 230601
Contract - Moller P Draft 23-24
CROP Project Manager contact 24-25 draft
Jennifer Plante contract 23-24
Minutes 230504 - draft
MOA - snow day
MOU - Del opp
MOA - Teacher on Special assignment
Principal Contract-Davis-Draft 22 - 26 2023-24 update (1)
Shared services - CSE Chair
Thorsland, Mica contact 23-24
Troy Rider contract 23-24
BOE Agenda 230504
Budget ballot
Minutes 230413 - draft
Monthly Cash Balances and Treasurers Report
Student Activity report
Tech surplus
Agenda 230413
BOCES Budget
Cooperative purchasing
CVCS Calendar
December monthly Cash Balances and Treasurer's report
February Cash Balances Treasurer's report
Grand Canyon trip
January Cash Balances and Treasurer's Report
Minutes 230302 - Draft
Minutes 230307 - Draft
Safety Patrol trip
Student Activity Report
Wellness policy update
Work Based Learning Charter App
Agenda 230307
Agenda BOE 3-2-23
230203 - Minutes Draft
CASSC School Board Institute
Hartwick building use request
ONC Annual Meeting Invitation
Senior Trip Request and Itinerary
Student Activity Report
Agenda BOE Mtg 230202
Minutes 230105 - Draft
Save the Date! ONC Annual Meeting
Student activity report
Track merger
unclaimed funds
Agenda BOE Mtg 230105
Audit response letter
Hannaford Helps Schools donation
Minutes 221201 - Draft
Wage increase
Agenda BOE Mtg 221201
CVCS Budget Calendar 2223
Minutes 221103 - Draft
Student Activity report (8)
Agenda BOE Mtg 221103
Student Activity report
surplus library books
Treasurer's Report
Use of Facilities APP
Agenda BOE Mtg 221006
220915 Bid Award letter
Charter Apps
Headwaters donation
Minutes 220901 - Draft
Moyse, Renee MOA
Robotics ltr of interest
Safety Committee
Safety Patrol ltr of interest
Scott, Rachel MOA
Student Activity Report
Use of Facilities APp
Bassett Atletic trainer agreement
Minutes 220804 - draft
Minutes 220818 - draft
Student Activity Report
2022-23 Charlotte Valley_ Charlotte Valley_SCEP_ FINAL (1)
Agenda 220818
Alicia Fish-CROP Program Manager
Charlotte Valley PDP Plan (1)
DSS Agreement
Lubbers, Nicole ltr of interest
Waters, Mike resignation
Whitbeck, Nicole appt data sheet
Agenda 220804
Bus lease
Dorsey, Instructional leader
Math Curriculum Process and Selection
Textbooks to be discarded
StudentHdbk 2022 Draft
Minutes 220712 - Draft
Hassick, Meghan resignation
Treasurer's Report
Surplus library books
FCCL Account
07122022 Reorg BOE Agenda
07122022 Reg BOE Agenda
2022-2023 BOE Meetings
Annual Appointments
Cafeteria Bids
Cash Balance Report May 31 2022
Coaching and Advisor Ltr of Int
June 02 2022 Draft BOE Minutes
June 21, 2022 Draft BOE Minutes
Mr. Water's resignation ltr
Resig Jenn Jester CROP Coor
Stacy Rinehart Summer CROP Coor
Proposed contract Hunt Engineers 2024-2025 Bldg Proj
Student Activity May 2022
Summer position ltrs of interest
Thorsland, Mica contact 22-23 draft
Troy Rider contract 2022-23
Jennifer Plante contract 2022-23
Contract - Moller P Draft 2223
Contract Addendum Principal 2022 - 2023
Agenda 220621
Agenda 220602
Minutes 220505 - Draft
BPD Services
Budget results
Monthly Cash Balances
BOE Agenda 220505
Minutes 220407 - draft
Ballard, Maggie maternity
Box tops donation
Hurley, Madeleine resignation
Matz, Chris
Student Activity Report (4)
Thorsland, Reece
Treasurer's report
Whipple, Eric Contract
BOE Agenda 220407
Minutes 220308 - Draft
Minutes 220303 - Draft
Clute, Sharon MOA
Cooperative purchasing
Smart School Investment Plan
Student Activity Report
Agenda BOE
Minutes 220208 - Draft
CASSC Superintendent Eval workshop
CVCS 2022-2023 Calendar - draft
CASSC Virtual Workshop
Jean-Baptiste resignation
SEQR 617 - Type II Determination attachment
SEQR Capital Outlay 2022-2023
Student Activity Report
Treasurer's Report
Agenda BOE Mtg 220203
Minutes 220106
Minutes 211021 - minutes
Minutes 211202
Federal Audit
Bernie DOnogan resolution
Rain forest thank you
Harter retirement
Charlotte Valley Csd Federal Awards 2021 (1)
Student Activity Report (1)
Hunt Proposal
Agenda BOE Mtg 220106
Minutes 211202 - Draft
Math Honor Society Charter App
Student Activity Report
Charlotte Valley Athletic Handbook Updated January 2022
Agenda BOE Mtg 211202
Minutes 121104 - Draft
CVCS Budget Calendar 2122
Preston, ltr of interest
Agenda BOE Mtg 211104
Charter App 2025
Hannafor Help Schools
Management letter response and corrective action plan
Minutes 211021 - Draft
Minutes 211007 - draft
MOA - Instructional Leader change
Moller, Paul contract amendment 403 b
Plante, Jennifer contract amendment 403b (1)
Superintendent contract Amendment for 403b (1)
Treasurer's Report
Tree removal Bid
Thorsland, Mica contract amendment 403 b
Troy Rider amended contract 405
Waters, Michael contract amendment 403 b (1)
10-21-21 Meeting
Agenda 211021
Eastman Contract
Agenda BOE Mtg 211007
charter club app
Hall, Raymond resignation
Haynes, Richard resignation
JCS tuition agreement
Minutes 210902 - draft
Robotics ltr of interest
Special education contract NRT Jefferson 2021-2022
Student Activity report
Surplus Science books
Treasurer's report